Yuu Fujita-Toews is originally from Kyoto, Japan where she began her professional classical ballet training at Yoshiko Inoue ballet school when she was 6. Yuu was also a member of Kyogei musical company and toured all over Japan. In 2001, she received a performance award and BA in Dance from Hunter College, CUNY. She taught ballet for children at Ballet Tech and Pilates workshop for ballet dancers in Japan. Yuu has studied kinesthetic anatomy with Irene Dowd, Shelly Studenberg, and Lisa Love as well as Yoga, Alexander Technique, Yamuna body rolling, Eric Franklin Method, and Thai Body Work. She is studying now with Dr. Martha Eddy in Somatic Movement which is deepening her knowledge of BMC and Laban. She is featured on the Institute’s Standing Pilates‚ DVD. She also dances with C.Eule Dance Company and Sachiyo Ito & Co. PhysicalMind certified, Yuu recently taught Evolution 201 at the Transmittal for Certifying Studios.