Momentum Pilates will soon be featuring bone broth for sale!
Laya Barak, dancer and choreographer as well as client at Momentum of both Nancy Golike and Erika Kalkan, DPT, has started a new company called The Broth of Life. Partnered with her mother, they have turned a delicious home recipe that they have been perfecting for years into a viable, sought-after product.
In recent years, bone broth has become very popular not only for its nutritional value, but also because of its high collagen content for skin elasticity. Thus, because of its anti-aging effects, bone broth is included in numerous holistic beauty regimes. Additionally, bone broth is very high in calcium, which is known to help prevent osteoporosis and promote cell regeneration. The combination of both collagen and calcium make bones stronger, more flexible, and better able to withstand stress. It is a natural solution to help prevent bone loss. As a result, bone broth is an excellent nutritional choice for athletes and dancers as a preventative measure against injury.
Visit The Broth of Life website to learn more!